We're here to make your life more delicious and creative and help you stop throwing out food. Thanks for joining us on our mission to reduce food waste!
Full of protein and oh-so-versatile, the magical food that is an egg can do many things. And, thankfully for food waste purposes, eggs last a long time in the fridge. I don't think I've ever thrown out a rotten egg in my life.
For that reason, we often have eggs in our fridge when we have nothing else, which is why it's useful to have a broad repertoire of egg recipes. Even if you have only wilted vegetables, you can make a delicious meal if you also have eggs. They're a great oh-shoot-I-need-to-eat-something-right-now meal and I think we can all agree that everyone needs a few of those in their back pocket.
A perfect use-it-up dessert with stale or leftover bread, plus a delicious bar of sustainably produced chocolate and a bowl of squishy blueberries.
Okonomiyaki - a delicious cabbage pancake that can also take lots of different vegetables and leftovers. Cook it as you like it!
a video on shakshuka featuring ridiculous outfits and delicious egg dishes that use up all your random ingredients.
Ramen grilled cheese, Egg in a Ramen Nest, Garlic Butter Anchovy Ramen, Ramen Noodle Salad and more
Salty-sweet-sour-hot and perfect for using up alliums, herbs, leaves, and all kinds of veggies!
Meal Planning with My Kitchen Chalkboard: Meal #2