Mei making dumplings


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Irene making dumplings
How To Make Herb Oil

How To Make Herb Oil

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Herb oil is a good way to use up fresh herbs and can be done if you have 2 minutes, 10 minutes, or 20 minutes using various methods. 

For a basic infusion without a ton of flavor, just stick your fresh herbs into a jar or bottle of extra-version olive oil. It'll keep for a few days in the refrigerator and can be used anywhere you'd typically use olive oil for a subtle flavor enhancement, like a salad dressing or drizzled on soup.. 

If you've got a little more time (and a blender or food processor), blend the leafier herbs with your oil until the mixture is fully combined. Strain out the solids (or keep a few bits in if you like), then store the oil in the fridge for about a week and use for salad dressings, dipping good bread, anywhere you like really. 

For the sturdier herbs like thyme and rosemary, you may want to heat the oil to get even more flavor. After whizzing the herbs with the oil, gently heat the mixture on the stove until it just starts to sizzle. Let cool, strain through a fine-mesh sieve (or a coffee filter, if you want it very clear), and keep in the refrigerator for a week or so. Delicious drizzled on eggs, fish, chicken, steamed vegetables and more.   

Stir-Fried Greens

Stir-Fried Greens

Roasted Carrots and Acorn Squash with Carrot Top Pesto

Roasted Carrots and Acorn Squash with Carrot Top Pesto